Speaker of the

House of Representatives

Nancy Pelosi

OK, Alpha Jet 13 said he didn't get this one. Very understandable. Especially with the amount of BS coming out of Washington lately. OK, here is the explanation. Speaker Pelosi has gone on record saying she knew nothing about torture being used on prisoners at Gitmo or elsewhere. Then at a press conference (5/14/2009) she lied her ass off about knowing and got caught in the lie by a Fox News Reporter.  It has come to light that she has known since 2002.

So the New Pelosi Enhanced Interrogation Technique is placing a Jihadist in a room and instead of sleep deprivation he is bombarded by the likes of Rosie, Barbara, Whoopi, Oprah, Hilary and of course Nancy.

Speaking of Hilary, she of "Bosnian Sniper Fame", if her faulty recollection of those events in Bosnia couldn't keep her from becoming Secretary of State then this little dustup over torture will not derail Pelosi.

Side comment: According to Alpha Jet 13 President Obama should not close Gitmo. Closing it would not be smart. Releasing terrorists who hate America and have committed crimes against America is stupid. They will go out and recruit more terrorists.

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