Alpha Jet 13

World Economy

Our world economy is dwindling down to where we may face a second dark age. People are more worried if their friends will like or envy their new ride. We as inhabitants of planet Earth must act. Soon it’s not going to be about what country club you’re a part of. It is going to be about how many guns you have, and how much ammunition you have for those guns. We can help to avoid this by caring about what is happening to our economy, and not about how expensive the painting in the dining room is. We must act or face the ultimate consequence.

Editors's note; Alpha Jet 13 is a guest commentator. He is a young teenager  with his own set of opinions. He will occassionally share those views here. He doesn't claim to speak for his generation but his outlook is shaped by the world he lives in. The one most of us are screwing up for his generation.