It costs plenty to have all these opinions. I've invested a lifetime alienating friends, family, foes and strangers. Contact me to set up a speaking engagement for your next gathering. Due to the ever changing world in which we live in (didn't Sir Paul McCartney's band Wings use that line? or was it the CNN anchor desk?) new opinions are being formed constantly while old ones are being modified, wrong ones are polished and cherished. Nothing will make you feel better about yourself or your group than to read or listen to me. If your group wants specific commentary on specific topics please include that in your request.

To contact my management team, just as soon as I can talk them in from the ledge, will contact you so you can be the FIRST group to actually book me.

Bookings:      Mr. Hank Shackleford

Complaints:  Hon. Fukkan Witchu


Copyrighted 2009