The Bum in Chicago

This guy gets himself elected Governor of Illinois and that's no small task. There are only 50 of these jobs running around. You would think he created a third world country right here within our own borders. Oh the breast beating that went on when the tape transcripts of his conversations regarding Sen. Obama's Senate seat were first reported on. Like this kind of thing has never happened before. Right. The US Senate has had it's share of criminals as had the US Congress. At anyone time this country has plenty of Rod Blagojevich's in office from the local level to the highest offices. Remember Vice President Spiro Agnew? He was counting the money he would make while he still had his left hand on the Bible while being sworn in.

No, Blagojevich's sin was exposing the muck Sen. Obama swam in and thrived in. The Republicans were unable to expose Obama for what he is. Just another political hack who played the game better than anyone else. America's love affair with Obama has overlooked his connections to the convicted political fixer Tony Rezko who as fate would have it also had Blagojevich in his pocket. So like a lover who knows their partner is cheating but who fears being cast off more, America takes a deep breath and chooses to ignore it. 

Blagojevich may be a slime ball but he is not unique unless your consider that hair cut of his. It's got to be a dye job. He has a future if he can stay out of jail. Remember Jerry Springer was a City Councilman who gained infamy by getting caught writing a hooker a check. American television has never been the same. What joy and wonder will we discover with Blago remains to be seen.

UPDATE: Blago beats Feds for the time being with mistrial. HEY Attorney General Eric Holder offer him a deal that if he agrees to never hold public office, agrees to never be involved in politics at any level of fund raising, if he agrees to never co-host a show with fellow disgraced governor Eliot Spitzer the charges will be dropped to a single misdemeanor of puffery. Oh, yeah, and he has to change that hair style.

Update/Update Dumbass got convicted in a re-trial.

Copyrighted 2009