Health Care

 We all deserve it!  I just don't want to pay for it. I don't want to pay for yours and certainly not for myself. I want it free. I want it on demand and I want the best money can buy. When I need a test I want to walk in to a clinic and get it. And I do not want to wait more than fifteen minutes after I fill out yet another form asking me if I know what HIPPA is and how my right to privacy is being respected to get it. I want the results back to the doctor of my choice in as fast a manner as possible. Certainly I do not want to wait for the results more than 48 hours.  This is sort of the package (I have now in 2009) costs a family of three about $1500.00 a month. That price puts it out of reach for many if not most Americans and that is wrong.But it is also wrong to call it a "Cadillac" plan and force me to pay a tax because I bust my ass to pay for the needs of my family.

It would seem that today with that kind of a price tag we could figure out how to fix this mess. Do doctors deserve Wednesday tee times and sports cars? Yes. Do they deserve to lose their asses investing and developing commercial real estate? Yes. Do they deserve to earn what they are worth? Yes. I know really rich doctors and others that are simpletons when it comes to money.

Would I rather prop some third world dictator or pay for our health care? Well, that third world smuck isn't likely to sneeze near me and get me sick so I choose health care. But I'm a conservative! I'm a republican? OK, so having a helping hand for those in need is truly an American's heritage. Helping our own here at home is important.

UPDATE Nov. 2009:

Health Care is being rammed through both houses of Congress. A new wrinkle is the "Millionaires Tax". The Public Option is closer to reality and OUR CONSTITUTION is being torn apart. If you don't buy health insurance under the House Plan the government can put you in jail. One of our founding principles was, according to me, NO DEBTORS PRISONS. If I don't pay my taxes that is different.

Copyrighted 2009